Why Can't I Stop

Why Can't I Stop

Breaking free from the addiction cycle is a profound journey toward reclaiming your life and finding true freedom. Remember, the journey may be challenging, but you are resilient. Professional counselors, such as those at Discovery & Wellness Counseling in Scottsdale, Arizona, are here to provide the guidance and support you need to navigate through this challenging terrain.

Discovering Restful Nights

Discovering Restful Nights

In this article, we delve into the connection between anxiety and sleep issues, a topic that affects many of us deeply. Countless individuals who struggle with anxiety find themselves battling restless nights, where peaceful sleep seems out of reach. With approximately 70 million people in the U.S. suffering from sleep-related problems, it's crucial to address this profound link between anxiety and sleep.

Transitioning from High Adventure to Healing

Transitioning from High Adventure to Healing

In this article, we will explore the impact of the physical and emotional toll on outdoor guides. We will delve into the importance of understanding the challenges faced during the transition and highlight the significance of providing appropriate support and resources. By doing so, we aim to foster a culture of healing, resilience, and sustainable wellness within the outdoor guiding community.

The Power of Communication in Relationships

The Power of Communication in Relationships

Effective communication is the foundation for any successful relationship. It is the tool that allows us to express our emotions, share our thoughts, and connect on a deeper level with our loved ones. Achieving effective communication can often be a challenge. In this blog post, we will explore the impact of communication on relationships, common challenges that arise, and a helpful tool to improve communication and strengthen your bond.

Employers Taking a Proactive Stance

In today's world, employers play a crucial role in creating inclusive and supportive environments for their employees. Recognizing the importance of mitigating mental health stigma and normalizing the human experience, many employers have taken a proactive stance in addressing these issues. The counselors at Discovery and Wellness Counseling in Scottsdale, Arizona have extensive experience offering educational resources to workforces vulnerable to trauma, compassion fatigue, and burnout.

This article explores the significance of such initiatives and provides an example of organizations, which serve as models for fostering employee well-being and breaking down stigmas. 

A group of people in a circle with one of their hands inside the circle in a pile.

Importance of Proactive Stance

Taking a proactive stance in mitigating stigma and normalizing the human experience is essential for employers seeking to cultivate a healthy work environment. Such initiatives promote inclusivity, support mental well-being, and enhance overall employee satisfaction. By actively addressing these issues, employers can create a workplace that prioritizes employees' holistic needs, resulting in a more engaged and productive workforce.

Crisis Solutions

There are two specific examples of organizations in Arizona modeling a proactive stance that this article explores: one is a family services organization, Family Services Aides contracted with Discovery & Wellness Counseling; and the other is the Phoenix Fire Department, who has emerged as a pioneer in prioritizing the mental health and well-being of its employees. First responders, firefighters and social workers alike face unique challenges and traumatic experiences, making it crucial to address their needs effectively. The initiatives the organizations participate in exemplifies a proactive approach in mitigating stigma and providing comprehensive support for personnel.

Discovery & Wellness Counseling is a provider of resources to such organizations and finds the counselor-led workshops to be incredibly powerful in advancing the conversation around burnout, compassion fatigue, and stress injuries consistent with crisis workers. The counselor-led workshops delivered to Family Service Aides focus on topics such as stress management, communication skills, emotional intelligence, and resilience building. The goal is to provide employees with practical tools and strategies that can enhance the organization's employee retention, decrease cost of turnover while strengthening the organization's internal communication structure, mental health  and overall well-being.

Similarly, the Phoenix Fire Department initiative called Public Safety Crisis Solutions exemplifies a proactive approach in mitigating stigma and providing comprehensive support for personnel. Public Safety Crisis Solutions offers an array of resources and educational programs designed to enhance the well-being of their employees. These resources encompass confidential counseling services, peer support programs, mental health awareness training, and access to professional behavioral health providers.

By investing in responders, social workers, and professional counseling services, employers can create a supportive and psychologically healthy workplace culture leading to an.  Increased employee satisfaction, improved productivity, reduced absenteeism, and enhanced overall organizational outcomes.

Four people from the back with their arms around each other as they face the sun outdoors.

Recognizing the Importance of Mental Health

By taking a proactive stance, organizational leaders, such as those with Family Service Aides and the Phoenix Fire Department, acknowledge that mental health is just as important as physical health, particularly in a profession with high-stress and potentially traumatic situations. By recognizing the significance of mental well-being, they are creating a safe space for their employees to seek help and support when needed.

Comprehensive Support System

Organizational leaders in the Scottsdale, Arizona area who would like to take steps in assisting their workers, are encouraged to contact Discovery & Wellness Counseling, a service provider who specializes in providing a range of resources and educational programs to support employees' well-being. Discovery & Wellness Counseling Services is a supplier of services including confidential counseling services, peer support programs, and corporate health and wellness training. By offering these resources, organizations ensure that their employees are equipped with the tools and knowledge necessary to navigate the challenges they may encounter in their profession.

Evidence and Success Stories

Research conducted by the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health has shown a direct relationship between stigma reduction and improved mental health outcomes in the workplace. While the specific evidence and success stories surrounding employers taking a proactive stance in mitigating stigma and normalizing the human experience may vary, numerous studies highlight the positive impacts of such initiatives on employee well-being and organizational outcomes. 

Employers who take a proactive stance in mitigating stigma and normalizing the human experience among their employees are at the forefront of fostering supportive and inclusive work environments. Organizations, such as Family Service Aide and the Phoenix Fire Department, are examples of leaders prioritizing mental well-being, breaking down stigmas, and creating safe spaces for employees to seek help. As more employers embrace this approach, we can expect to see positive changes in employee well-being and the overall workplace culture. 

Available Resources

At Discovery and Wellness Counseling in Scottsdale, Arizona, counselors are experienced in delivering  educational resources to workforces at risk for trauma, compassion fatigue, and burnout. They encourage employers to promote mental well-being and reduce stigma by scheduling regular counselor-led workshops for their workforce. These workshops provide practical tools and guidance that can contribute to improved employee well-being, increased productivity, and enhanced organizational outcomes. Don't miss out on the opportunity to create a healthier and more supportive work environment. Contact Discovery and Wellness Counseling today to learn more about their impactful workshops.


World Health Organization. (n.d.). Mental Health in the Workplace. Retrieved from https://www.who.int/mental_health/in_the_workplace/en/

Rodrigues, H., Cobucci, R., Oliveira, A., Cabral, J., Medeiros, L., & Gurgel, K. (2019). Reducing Stigma and Discrimination in the Workplace: Evidence from Systematic Reviews. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(6), 1054. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16061054 

Arizona Public Media. (2019). A First-of-Its-Kind Program for First Responders in Phoenix. Retrieved from https://news.azpm.org/p/news-articles/2019/11/22/162139-a-first-of-its-kind-program-for-first-responders-in-phoenix/ 

Phoenix Fire Department. (n.d.). Public Safety Crisis Solutions. Retrieved fromhttp://www.phoenix.gov/fire/about-us/public-safety-crisis-solutions

Giving Employees Permission to Heal

Giving Employees Permission to Heal

Employers who invest in the mental health of their employees with counselor-led workshops do so for several reasons. As a leader of such workshops, Heidi Brouelette, MA. LPC., founder and clinical supervisor  for Discovery Wellness Counseling and Consulting in Scottsdale, Arizona, believes that the employers who hire her are making a significant investment in their company and employees. With over a decade of experience, she knows people and the value of implementing proactive strategies that address the whole person in the workforce and reinforce why the investment is non-negotiable.

A Day of Serenity and Adventure in Peoria, Arizona: A Paddle Boarding Workshop with Guided Meditation

A Day of Serenity and Adventure in Peoria, Arizona: A Paddle Boarding Workshop with Guided Meditation

Created by Heidi Brouelette, MA., LPC., the two-hour paddle boarding workshop promises to teach you the basics of paddle boarding while adding a unique twist - guided meditation. Heidi believes paddle boarding offers a unique opportunity to connect with nature while developing strength, balance, and a connection with the body through attunement of the five senses. The additional element of guided meditation while afloat is the ultimate anchoring tool to ground ourselves.